Usablity enhancements to the user’s environment.

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There a number of related enhancements that we can easily do in the way the environment interacts with template resources, lets quickly solve these for our users, to make heat more useable. These issues have been raised here:

Problem description

Here are some small problems that are related to the interaction of the environment and template resources. They are grouped here to reduce the red-tape.

No way to specify “global” parameters

When creating deep and/or complex compositions of multiple provider templates, it becomes cubmersome if you end up passing a long list of common parameters down through the “layers” via properties/parameters. If the environment had a “global_parameters” section, you could specify those parameters which should be visible to not only the top-level stack, but all child stacks too.

There is no way to transparently replace a resource with a provider resource.

When, for example, you replace OS::Nova::Server with OS::My::SpecialServer via a provider resource mapped in the environment, you can’t use the overloaded special server transparently, because when you do get_resource: special_server, you get a nested stack ID, not the nested server ID.

Required mirroring of resource attributes.

It is a pain to require the user to mirror a nested stack’s resource attributes in the outputs so they can be referenced outside of the nested stack. We should generate these attributes dynamically.

Proposed change

  1. Add the concept of parameter_defaults to the environment. This will look like the following:

      flavor: m1.small
      region: far-away

    The behaviour of these parameters will be as follows: - if there is no parameter definition for it, it will be ignored. - these will be passed into all nested templates - they will only be used as a default so that they can be explicitly overridden in the “parameters” section.

  2. Support a specially named output to Template resources that is used for references.

Modify the FnGetRefId of TemplateResource to look for an output called “OS::stack_id”, if this is provided then return this, else the current value.

  1. Add dynamic attributes to template resources.

A reminder of what the resource group does:

{get_attr: [a_resource_group, resource.<res number>.attr_name]}

For template resources the following will be supported:

{get_attr: [a_resource_templ, resource.<res name>.attr_name]}

To achieve this, _resolve_attribute() will be overridden to look for “resource.<res name>” and then drill down to that resource’s attribute.





Primary assignee:



Target Milestone for completion:


Work Items

Each item can be completed seperately. Documentation for each feature needs to be added to the template guide.

