Networking-ovn Scorecard

Neutron integration

  • N0. Does the project use the Neutron REST API or relies on proprietary backends?

    networking-ovn implements a backend for the existing Neutron REST API. It is not a client of Neutron REST APIs. It also does not rely on any proprietary backends.

  • N1. Does the project integrate/use neutron-lib?

    Yes. The project uses neutron-lib with an overall migration status of 11.66% as of October 10, 2016.

  • N2. Do project members actively contribute to help neutron-lib achieve its goal?

    No. The project core team members are not actively contributing to neutron-lib.

  • N3. Do project members collaborate with the core team to enable subprojects to loosely integrate with the Neutron core platform by helping with the definition of modular interfaces?

    The project team members have helped in this area by opening bug reports and providing fixes as appropriate (e.g.

  • N4. How does the project provide networking services? Does it use modular interfaces as provided by the core platform?

    The project uses the modular interfaces (ML2 and L3) provided by the core platform to enable networking services. Some of the project’s networking services are provided via native services instead of via neutron agents.

  • N5. If the project provides new API extensions, have API extensions been discussed and accepted by the Neutron drivers team? Please provide links to API specs, if required.

    The project does not provide new API extensions.


  • D2. If the project provide API extensions, does the project have an api-ref tox target, functional and continously working? Provide proof (links to


  • D4. Describe the types of documentation available: developer, end user, administrator, deployer.

    The project itself provides primarily developer, administrator and deployer documention at, and relies on community OpenStack neutron documentation for end user documentation.

Continuous Integration

  • C4. Does the project have CI for fullstack coverage?


Release footprint

  • R1. Does the project adopt semver?


Stable backports

Client library

  • L1. If the project requires a client library, how does it implement CLI and API bindings?

    The project does not require a client library.



N0 | Y

N1 | Y

N2 | N

N3 | Y

N4 | Y

N5 | Y

D1 | Y

D2 | Y

D3 | Y

D4 | Y

C1 | Y

C2 | Y

C3 | Y

C4 | N

C5 | Y

C6 | N

C7 | N

C8 | Y

R1 | Y

R2 | Y

R3 | Y

R4 | Y

S1 | Y



Final remarks: networking-ovn is a well managed project. It would be nice if members of the project would pay some of the neutron-lib tax for the wellbeing of the wider Neutron community but one can only wish for so much. The project lacks in area of upgrade and multinode testing, but the team is actively working to fill these gaps.