Message queue connection switching for cells

In order for Nova API to send RPC messages to cells, the message queue connection information for the target cell must be used. Nova API must pass the cell message queue information to the RPC API layer.

Problem description

In Cells v2, instead of using a nova-cells proxy, nova-api will interact directly with the database and message queue of the cell for an instance. Instance -> cell mappings are stored in a table in the API level database. Each InstanceMapping refers to a CellMapping, and the CellMapping contains the connection information for the cell. We need a way to communicate the message queue connection information from the CellMapping to the RPC API layer, so when we receive a request to act upon an instance, the message will be forwarded to the cell where the instance resides.

Use Cases

  • Operators want to partition their deployments into cells for scaling, failure domain, and buildout reasons. When partitioned, we need a way to route messages to the cell for an instance.

Proposed change

We propose to store the message queue connection information for a cell in the RequestContext where it can be used by the RPC API layer to interact with the cell message queue. Currently, there is only one message queue that can be used at the RPC API layer and it is a global transport. We will want to be able to create a transport dynamically based on message queue connection data if it is present in the RequestContext. The field ‘mq_connection’ will be added to RequestContext to store the transport object for the cell message queue.

When a request comes in, nova-api will look up the instance mapping in the API database. It will get the message queue information from the instance’s CellMapping and store a transport object in the RequestContext ‘mq_connection’ field. Then, the RPC API layer will use the transport object for interacting with the cell message queue using the ‘mq_connection’ to forward the message.


One alternative would be to add an argument to RPC API methods to optionally take message queue connection information to use instead of the configuration setting and pass it when making calls destined for another message queue. This would require changing the signatures of all the RPC API methods to take the keyword argument or otherwise finding a way to let the relevant RPC API methods derive from such an interface. There is also precedent of allowing use of a field in the RequestContext to communicate “db_connection” to DB API methods and “read_deleted” to the DB API model_query.

Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact

The message queue connection field in the RequestContext could contain sensitive data.

Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact

This change will create RPC transport objects dynamically based on connection information from the RequestContext. There is some overhead to this over the global transport object usually used for a single message queue. The overhead* is the same as in Cells v1 as both Transport objects and RPCClient objects are created dynamically for each message sent to a cell. There is the possibility of caching objects keyed off of hashes of ‘mq_connection’ along with an expiration scheme if overhead becomes problematic.

  • Creation of Transport objects involves creating the backend driver object and connection pool, so creating them dynamically for each message doesn’t take advantage of connection pooling, a new connection to the broker will be made each time.

Other deployer impact


Developer impact

This change means that developers should be aware that cell message queue connection information is contained in the RequestContext and be mindful that it could contain sensitive data. Developers will need to use the interfaces for getting message queue connection information from a CellMapping and setting it in a RequestContext in order to interact with a cell message queue.



Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Work Items

  • Add a message queue connection field to RequestContext

  • Add message queue connection to the context manager in nova.context that populates a RequestContext with cell connection information given a CellMapping

  • Modify RPC layer and compute RPC API functions to use the message queue connection information from the context, if it’s set



Cells v2 testing improvements will include scenarios with multiple cells and upgrading with multiple cells. That is, however, out of scope for the work described in this spec and a new functional test exercising message queue switching combined with the current suite of Tempest and functional tests should be sufficient.

Documentation Impact

Developer documentation could be written to describe how to use the new interfaces.




Release Name


