Use uuids in services and os-hypervisors APIs

To work with services and hypervisors (compute nodes) in the compute REST API we currently expose and take primary key IDs. In a multi-cell deployment, these IDs are not unique. This spec proposes exposing a uuid for services and hypervisors in the REST API to uniquely identify a resource regardless of which cell it is in.

Problem description

We currently leak database id fields (primary keys) out of the compute REST API for services and compute_nodes which are all in a cell database (the ‘nova’ database in a cells v2 deployment). These are in the os-services and os-hypervisors APIs, respectively.

For example, to delete a service record, you must issue a DELETE request to /os-services/{service_id} to delete the service record with that id.

The os-hypervisors API exposes the id in GET (index) requests and uses it in the “show” and “uptime” methods to look up the ComputeNode object by that id.

This is ugly but functional in a single-cell deployment. However, in a multi-cell deployment, we have no context on which cell we should query to get service/node details from, since you could have multiple cells each with a nova-compute service and compute node with id 1, so which cell do you pick to delete the service or show details about the hypervisor?

Use Cases

As a cloud administrator, I want to uniquely identify the resources in my cloud regardless of which cell they are in and be able to get details about and delete them.

Proposed change

This blueprint proposes to add a microversion to the compute REST API which replaces the usage of the id field with a uuid field. The uuid would be returned instead of the id in GET responses and also taken as input for the id in CRUD APIs.

Then when a request to delete a service is made, if the uuid is provided we can simply iterate cells until we find the service, or error with a 404.

Before the microversion, if an id is passed and there is only one cell, or no duplicates in multiple cells, we will continue to honor the request. But if an id is passed on the request (before the microversion) and we cannot uniquely identify the record out of multiple cells, we error with a 400. This is similar behavior to how creating a server works when a network or port is not provided and there are multiple networks available to the project, we fail with a 400 “NetworkAmbiguous” error.

The compute_nodes table already has a uuid field. The services table, however, does not, so as part of this blueprint we will need to add a uuid column to that table and corresponding versioned object.


Alternatives to exposing just the basic uuid and using it to iterate over potentially multiple cells until we find a match, is to encode the cell uuid in the resource uuid. For example, if we could simply return {cell_uuid}-{resource_uuid}.

Then rather than iterating all cells to find the resource, we could decode the input uuid to get the cell we need.

This is not a recommended alternative because it encodes the cell in the REST API which is something we have said in the past we did not want to do, and is similar to how cells v1 does namespacing on cells. It would also mean that parts of the compute API are encoding a cell uuid and others, like the servers API, are not. This could lead to maintenance issues in the actual code since we would have different lookup operations for different resources.

Another alternative is creating mapping tables in the Nova API database, like the host_mappings and instance_mappings tables. This alternative is not recommended, at least not at this time, because the need for working with service records should be relatively small.

Data model impact

The services table in the cell (nova) database will have a nullable uuid column added. The column will be nullable due to existing records which do not have the uuid field.

We can migrate the data on access through the versioned object, and/or provide online data migrations to add uuids to existing records during an upgrade.

REST API impact


There are only GET methods in this API. They will all be changed to return the uuid value for the id field and take as input a uuid value for the {hypervisor_id}. We cannot use the query parameter validation added in Ocata to validate that the ID passed in is a uuid since it is not be a query parameter. Therefore, we will need to validate the input id value is a uuid in code.

The following APIs will also be changed:

* GET /os-hypervisors/{hypervisor_hostname_pattern}/search
* GET /os-hypervisors/{hypervisor_hostname_pattern}/servers

Both of those APIs return a list of matches given the hostname search pattern. While not directly needed to the problem stated in this spec, we will take the opportunity of the microversion change in this API to make these better. The hypervisor_hostname_pattern will change to a query parameter.

  • Old: GET /os-hypervisors/{hypervisor_hostname_pattern}/search

  • New: GET /os-hypervisors?hypervisor_hostname=xxx

Example request:

GET /os-hypervisors?hypervisor_hostname=london1.compute

Example response:

  "hypervisors": [
      "hypervisor_hostname": "london1.compute.1",
      "id": "37c62dfd-105f-40c2-a749-0bd1c756e8ff",
      "state": "up",
      "status": "enabled"
  • Old: GET /os-hypervisors/{hypervisor_hostname_pattern}/servers

  • New: GET /os-hypervisors?hypervisor_hostname=xxx&with_servers=true

Example request:

GET /os-hypervisors?hypervisor_hostname=london1.compute&with_servers=true

Example response:

  "hypervisors": [
      "hypervisor_hostname": "london1.compute.1",
      "id": "37c62dfd-105f-40c2-a749-0bd1c756e8ff",
      "state": "up",
      "status": "enabled",
      "servers": [
          "name": "test_server1",
          "uuid": "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa"
          "name": "test_server2",
          "uuid": "bbbbbbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbbbbbbbbbb"


The following API methods which take as input and/or return the integer primary key id in the response will be updated to take/return a uuid:

* GET /os-services
* DELETE /os-services/{service_id}

For example:

GET /os-services


   "services": [
         "id": "8e6e4ab6-0662-4ff5-8994-dde92bedada1",
         "binary": "nova-scheduler",
         "disabled_reason": "test1",
         "host": "host1",
         "state": "up",
         "status": "disabled",
         "updated_at": "2012-10-29T13:42:02.000000",
         "forced_down": false,
         "zone": "internal"
         "id": "3fe90b52-1d67-4f03-9ed3-5fbf1a6fa1e1",
         "binary": "nova-compute",
         "disabled_reason": "test2",
         "host": "host1",
         "state": "up",
         "status": "disabled",
         "updated_at": "2012-10-29T13:42:05.000000",
         "forced_down": false,
         "zone": "nova"

DELETE /os-services/3fe90b52-1d67-4f03-9ed3-5fbf1a6fa1e1

There is no response for a successful delete operation.

The action APIs do not take an id to identify the service on which to perform an action. These include:

* PUT /os-services/disable
* PUT /os-services/disable-log-reason
* PUT /os-services/enable
* PUT /os-services/force-down

Unlike the /servers/{server_id}/action APIs which take the action in the request body, these APIs do not take a specific service id. The request body contains a host and binary field to identify the service.

As part of this microversion, we will collapse those action APIs into a single PUT method which supports all of the actions and takes a service_id as input to uniquely identify the service rather than a body with the host and binary fields.

What follows are examples of the old and new formats for each action API.

  • PUT /os-services/disable

    Old request:

    PUT /os-services/disable
        "host": "host1",
        "binary": "nova-compute"

    New request:

    PUT /os-services/{service_id}
        "status": "disabled"
  • PUT /os-services/disable-log-reason

    Old request:

    PUT /os-services/disable-log-reason
        "host": "host1",
        "binary": "nova-compute",
        "disabled_reason": "test2"

    New request:

    PUT /os-services/{service_id}
        "status": "disabled",
        "disabled_reason": "test2"
  • PUT /os-services/enable*

    Old request:

    PUT /os-services/enable
        "host": "host1",
        "binary": "nova-compute"

    New request:

    PUT /os-services/{service_id}
        "status": "enabled"
  • PUT /os-services/force-down

    Old request:

    PUT /os-services/force-down
        "host": "host1",
        "binary": "nova-compute",
        "forced_down": true

    New request:

    PUT /os-services/{service_id}
        "forced_down": true

We will also provide a full response for the PUT method now. For example:

  • PUT /os-services/disable-log-reason

    Old response:

        "service": {
            "binary": "nova-compute",
            "disabled_reason": "test2",
            "host": "host1",
            "status": "disabled"

    New response:

        "service": {
            "id": "ade63841-f3e4-47de-840f-815322afa569",
            "binary": "nova-compute",
            "disabled_reason": "test2",
            "host": "host1",
            "state": "up",
            "status": "disabled",
            "updated_at": "2012-10-29T13:42:05.000000",
            "forced_down": false,
            "zone": "nova"

Security impact


Notifications impact


The service.update versioned notification payload will be updated to include the new uuid field.


There are legacy unversioned notifications for actions on a compute node, such as HostAPI.set_enabled.start. These are not converted to using versioned notifications yet, so until they are, there are no changes needed.

Other end user impact

Since the REST API changes do not change the ‘id’ key in the response, only the value, there should not need to be any changes in python-novaclient.

Performance Impact

None. Since we do not have a mapping table for services in the nova_api database, we already have to iterate cells looking for a match, as seen in this change:

Other deployer impact

Once deployers have multiple cells, they may have to update tooling to specify the microversion to uniquely identify hypervisors or services, for example, to delete a service.

Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Matt Riedemann (mriedem)

Other contributors:

Dan Peschman (dpeschman)

Work Items

  • Write a database schema migration to add the services.uuid column.

  • Add the uuid field to the Service object.
    • Generate a uuid for new services if not specified during create().

    • Generate and save a uuid for old services upon retrieval from the database, like when compute nodes got a uuid [1].

  • Add get_by_uuid methods to the ComputeNode and Service objects.

  • Add an online data migration for service uuids like what we had for compute nodes [2].

  • Update the nova.compute.api.HostAPI methods which take an ID and check if the ID is a uuid and if so, query for the resource using the get_by_uuid method on the object, otherwise use get_by_id as today.

  • Add the microversion to the os-hypervisors and os-services APIs including validation to ensure the incoming id is a uuid. This also includes changing the request format of the os-services PUT method. This is likely going to be a large and relatively complicated change to review, but given all of these changes are going to be in the same microversion we cannot realistically break these changes up.

  • Update the compute API response schema validation for hypervisors [3] and services [4]. Note that the Tempest response schema already allows for integers or strings. As part of this change, we should update the response schema validation in Tempest to be strict that the hypervisor and service id should be a uuid after this new microversion.




  • Unit tests for negative scenarios, like not being able to find a service by uuid in multiple cells. We should also test passing a non-uuid integer value to the changed APIs with the new microversion to ensure the query parameter validation makes that request fail with a 400 error.

  • Functional testing for API samples to ensure the ‘id’ value in a response after the microversion is a uuid and not an integer.

  • Tempest API tests may be added, although we can probably handle that same test coverage with in-tree functional tests.

  • We will have to test all of the os-services PUT method changes with in-tree functional tests because Tempest does not test disabling or forcing down a compute service since that would break a concurrent multi-tenant Tempest run.

Documentation Impact

The os-services and os-hypervisors API reference docs will need to be updated to note the new microversion takes as input and returns in the response a uuid value for the ‘id’ key.




Release Name


