AIDE - Intrustion Detection Database

AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment) is a file and directory integrity verification system. It computes a checksum of object attributes, which are then stored into a database. Operators can then run periodic checks against the current state of defined objects and verify if any attributes have been changed (thereby suggesting possible malicious / unauthorised tampering).

Problem Description

Security Frameworks such as DISA STIG [1] / CIS [3] require that AIDE be installed and configured on all Linux systems.

To enable OpenStack operators to comply with the aforementioned security requirements, they require a method of automating the installation of AIDE and initialization of AIDE’s integrity Database. They also require a means to perform a periodic integrity verification run.

Proposed Change


Introduce a puppet-module to manage the AIDE service and ensure the AIDE application is installed, create rule entries and a CRON job to allow a periodic check of the AIDE database or templates to allow monitoring via Sensu checks as part of OpTools.

Create a tripleo-heat-template service to allow population of hiera data to be consumed by the puppet-module managing AIDE.

The proposed puppet-module is lhinds-aide [2] as this module will accept rules declared in hiera data, initialize the Database and enables CRON entries. Other puppet AIDE modules were missing hiera functionality or other features (such as CRON population).

Within tripleo-heat-templates, a composable service will be created to feed a rule hash into the AIDE puppet module as follows:


description: Mapping of AIDE config rules type: json default: {}

The Operator can then source an environment file and provide rule information as a hash:

‘Monitor /etc for changes’:

content: ‘/etc p+sha256’ order : 1

‘Monitor /boot for changes’:

content: ‘/boot p+u+g+a’ order : 2

Ops Tool Integration

In order to allow active monitoring of AIDE events, a sensu check can be created to perform an interval based verification of AIDE monitored files (set using AIDERules) against the last initialized database.

Results of the Sensu activated AIDE verification checks will then be fed to the sensu server for alerting and archiving.

The Sensu clients (all overcloud nodes) will be configured with a standalone/passive check via puppet-sensu module which is already installed on overcloud image.

If the Operator should choose not to use OpTools, then they can still configure AIDE using the traditional method by means of a CRON entry.


Using a puppet-module coupled with a TripleO service is the most pragmatic approach to populating AIDE rules and managing the AIDE service.

Security Impact

AIDE is an integrity checking application and therefore requires Operators insure the security of AIDE’s database is protected from tampering. Should an attacker get access to the database, they could attempt to hide malicious activity by removing records of file integrity hashes.

The default location is currently /var/lib/aide/$database which puppet-aide sets with privileges of 0600 and ownership of root root.

AIDE itself introduces no security impact to any OpenStack projects and has no interaction with any OpenStack services.

Other End User Impact

The service interaction will occur via heat templates and the TripleO UI (should a capability map be present).

Performance Impact

No Performance Impact

Other Deployer Impact

The service will be utlised by means of an environment file. Therefore, should a deployer not reference the environment template using the openstack overcloud deploy -e flag, there will be no impact.

Developer Impact

No impact on other OpenStack Developers.



Primary assignee:


Work Items

  1. Add puppet-aide [1] to RDO as a puppet package

  2. Create TripleO Service for AIDE

  3. Create Capability Map

  4. Create CI Job

  5. Submit documentation to tripleo-docs.


Dependency on lhinds-aide Puppet Module.


Will be tested in TripleO CI by adding the service and an environment template to a TripleO CI scenario.

Documentation Impact

Documentation patches will be made to explain how to use the service.


Original Launchpad issue:



[3] file:///home/luke/project-files/tripleo-security-hardening/CIS_Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux_7_Benchmark_v2.1.0.pdf

[3] file:///home/luke/project-files/tripleo-security-hardening/CIS_Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux_7_Benchmark_v2.1.0.pdf