Configure Container-backed Remote CLIs¶
The StarlingX command lines can be accessed from remote computers running Linux, MacOS, and Windows.
About this task
This functionality is made available using a docker container with pre-installed CLIs and clients. The container’s image is pulled as required by the remote CLI/client configuration scripts.
You must have Docker installed on the remote systems you connect from. For more information on installing Docker, see For Windows remote workstations, Docker is only supported on Windows 10.
You must be able to run docker commands using one of the following options:
Running the scripts using sudo
Adding the Linux user to the docker group
For more information, see,
For Windows remote workstations, you must run the following commands from a Cygwin terminal. See for more information about the Cygwin project.
For Windows remote workstations, you must also have winpty installed. Download the latest release tarball for Cygwin from After downloading the tarball, extract it to any location and change the Windows <PATH> variable to include its bin folder from the extracted winpty folder.
You need from your StarlingX administrator: your WAD or Local LDAP username and password to get a Kubernetes authentication token, your Keystone username and password to log into Horizon, the OAM IP and, optionally, the Kubernetes CA certificate of the target StarlingX environment. If HTTPS has been enabled for the StarlingX RESTAPI Endpoints on the target StarlingX system, you need the CA certificate that signed the StarlingX REST APIs Endpoint Certificate.
The following procedure helps you configure the Container-backed remote CLIs and clients for a non-admin user.
Copy the remote client tarball file from a StarlingX mirror to the remote workstation, and extract its content.
The tarball is available from the StarlingX area on a StarlingX mirror.
You can extract the tarball contents anywhere on your client system.
$ cd $HOME $ tar xvf stx-remote-clients-<version>.tgz
Download the user/tenant openrc file from the Horizon Web interface to the remote workstation.
Log in to Horizon as the user and tenant that you want to configure remote access for.
In this example, we use ‘user1’ user in the ‘tenant1’ tenant.
Navigate to
.Select Openstack RC file.
The file
downloads. Copy this file to the location of the extracted tarball.
For a Distributed Cloud system, navigate to
and download the Openstack RC file.If HTTPS has been enabled for the StarlingX RESTAPI Endpoints on the target StarlingX system, add the following line to the bottom of
:export OS_CACERT=<path_to_ca>
is the absolute path of the CA certificate that signed the StarlingX REST APIs Endpoint Certificate provided by your StarlingX administrator.Create an empty user-kubeconfig file on the remote workstation. The contents will be set later.
$ touch user-kubeconfig
On the remote workstation, configure the client access.
Change to the location of the extracted tarball.
$ cd $HOME/stx-remote-clients-<version>/
Create a working directory that will be mounted by the container implementing the remote CLIs.
See the description of the
option below for more details.$ mkdir -p $HOME/remote_cli_wd
Run the script.
$ ./ -t platform -r -k user-kubeconfig -w $HOME/remote_cli_wd
If you specify repositories that require authentication, as shown above, you must remember to perform a docker login to that repository before using remote CLIs for the first time.
The options for are:
- -t
The type of client configuration. The options are platform (for StarlingX CLI and clients) and openstack (for StarlingX OpenStack application CLI and clients).
The default value is platform.
- -r
The user/tenant RC file to use for openstack CLI commands.
The default value is
- -k
The kubernetes configuration file to use for kubectl and helm CLI commands.
The default value is temp-kubeconfig.
- -o
The remote CLI/client RC file generated by this script.
This RC file needs to be sourced in the shell to set up required environment variables and aliases before running any remote CLI commands.
For the platform client setup, the default is For the openstack application client setup, the default is
- -w
The working directory that will be mounted by the container implementing the remote CLIs. When using the remote CLIs, any files passed as arguments to the remote CLI commands need to be in this directory in order for the container to access the files. The default value is the directory from which the command was run.
- -p
Override the container image for the platform CLI and clients.
By default, the platform CLIs and clients container image is pulled from
For example, to use the container images from the WRS AWS ECR:
$ ./ -t platform -r -k user-kubeconfig -w $HOME/remote_cli_wd -p
If you specify repositories that require authentication, you must perform a docker login to that repository before using remote CLIs.
- -a
Override the OpenStack application image.
By default, the OpenStack CLIs and clients container image is pulled from
The command will generate a RC file. This RC file needs to be sourced in the shell to set up required environment variables and aliases before any remote CLI commands can be run.
Copy the file
Update the contents in the admin-kubeconfig file using the kubectl command from the container. Use the OAM IP address and the Kubernetes CA certificate (named
in the commands below) got from the StarlingX administrator. In the example below, the user is called “user1”, you should change this to your username. If the OAM IP is IPv6, use the IP enclosed in brackets (example: “[fd00::a14:803]”).$ cd $HOME/remote_cli_wd $ source $ kubectl config set-cluster wrcpcluster --server=https://<OAM_IP>:6443 $ kubectl config set clusters.wrcpcluster.certificate-authority-data $(base64 -w0 k8s-ca.crt) $ kubectl config set-context user1@wrcpcluster --cluster=wrcpcluster --user user1 $ kubectl config use-context user1@wrcpcluster
If you don’t have the Kubernetes CA certificate, execute the following commands instead.
$ cd $HOME/remote_cli_wd $ source $ kubectl config set-cluster wrcpcluster --server=https://<OAM_IP>:6443 --insecure-skip-tls-verify $ kubectl config set-context user1@wrcpcluster --cluster=wrcpcluster --user user1 $ kubectl config use-context user1@wrcpcluster
After configuring the platform’s container-backed remote CLIs/clients, the remote platform CLIs can be used in any shell after sourcing the generated remote CLI/client RC file. This RC file sets up the required environment variables and aliases for the remote CLI commands.
Consider adding this command to your .login or shell rc file, such that your shells will automatically be initialized with the environment variables and aliases for the remote CLI commands.
See Using Container-backed Remote CLIs and Clients for details.