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Pengaturan IRC


Apa itu IRC?

The OpenStack community uses Internet Relay Chat (IRC), an open source protocol, as its primary chat service.

IRC memungkinkan Anda untuk:

  • Communicate with project teams, the technical committee, SIGs, and other Working Groups.

  • Berpartisipasilah dalam pertemuan rutin dengan kelompok-kelompok di atas.

What IRC network we use

The OpenStack Community is using the OFTC IRC network.

Atur IRC di Linux & Windows

Instal Program IRC

Bagian ini menjelaskan bagaimana Anda dapat menginstal program IRC yang disebut Hexchat.

Untuk distribusi Linux seperti Debian, Ubuntu, atau Mint, buka terminal dan ketik

sudo apt install hexchat

For Linux distributions like Redhat, Fedora, or CentOS open a terminal and type:

sudo dnf install hexchat

For a Windows environment, download the latest Hexchat installation binary from Hexchat download and install it.

Sekarang buka program hexchat seperti yang Anda lakukan untuk program Linux apa pun.

Edit Pengaturan Nama Nick

  1. Pertama-tama mari kita mengisi bidang Nick name dan User name dengan nama panggilan kami:

  2. From the list of Networks you should select OFTC network.

  • ircs://irc.oftc.net:6697 for SSL (alternative port: 9999), IPv4 and IPv6.

  • irc://irc.oftc.net:6667 for non-SSL (alternative ports: 6668-6670, 7000), IPv4 and IPv6.

Edit Pengaturan Server

  1. Klik tombol edit dan

  2. Pastikan Use SSL for all the servers on this network dicentang.

Penyelesaian masalah

  • Jika Anda mendapat pemberitahuan bahwa nama samaran sudah diambil, keluar dan kembali ke langkah pertama untuk memilih nama panggilan yang berbeda.

Daftarkan Nama Panggilan Anda

If you don’t already have an account, you can register one with /msg NickServ REGISTER <password> <e-mail>. The OFTC Guide will guide you through the rest of the registration process. Make sure to follow the instructions and complete the verification process.

Saat Anda masuk ke server untuk pertama kalinya dengan nama panggilan Anda, itu akan digunakan oleh Anda, tetapi masih belum terdaftar.

In order to register you need to send a message to nickserv on OFTC, which is a bot that allows you to register and identify yourselves as the owner of a nick name.

Jika semuanya berjalan dengan baik, Anda harus menerima pesan kembali secara instan bahwa nama panggilan terdaftar oleh Anda dan email aktivasi akan dikirim ke alamat email yang Anda berikan.

Auto-Login On Connecting To OFTC

Untuk mengidentifikasi diri Anda bahwa Anda memiliki nama panggilan saat masuk, Anda perlu memberi tahu Hexchat untuk mengomunikasikan kata sandi Anda saat menyambungkan.

  1. Click Hexchat from the menu and then click Network List. You will see a familiar first screen of servers listed. Make sure OFTC is highlighted and click edit.

  2. Dalam Password masukkan kata sandi yang Anda pilih pada langkah sebelumnya dan klik tutup.

In case of more question about OFTC, read these FAQs


Congratulations you're now ready to communicate with the OpenStack community and have a registered nick name on OFTC! From here on out when you connect to OFTC with Hexchat you will be identified with your nickname.

A good channel to join right away is the #openstack-dev channel. A lot of people hang around in that channel so come on in and say hello! If there is a specific project you are also interested in working on, feel free to join that one as well and introduce yourself there. Interested in joining more channels or need to look up what one is called? Check out Saluran IRC for more information.

It's also important to note that contributors are located all over the world across different time zones, so channels may be quieter outside of their work hours. Be patient when asking questions, and it might be a while before someone responds. Additionally, keep in mind that IRC does not natively support a message backlog, so you may miss messages sent while you were disconnected. Many contributors keep a persistent IRC session to avoid missing important communications, and Arsip IRC can be helpful for catching up on missed messages.

Atur IRC pada Mac OS

#irchelp describes available IRC client programs for Mac OS environment. LimeChat provides an installation binary for you to download, install, and configure to connect to OFTC.

IRC Chatting with Matrix

You can also use IRC chat with Matrix. The Zuul community described how to use Matrix to bridge into OFTC IRC. If you want to use Matrix as a IRC client, please follow this link:


Saluran IRC

Each project and working group has its own IRC channel. The common syntax for naming the IRC channels is: #openstack-<name-of-project>, but there are some exceptions. See the contributor guide for each project for specific information. If you fail to find a reference there, don't hesitate to ask in the general #openstack-dev channel.

Pertemuan IRC

In OpenStack all the meetings are happening either on generic meeting channels channels like #openstack-meeting, or on specific project channels. Check the list of meetings for meeting times, IRC channels, and archives of meetings.

Arsip IRC

Most IRC channels are archived, you can read the logs on IRC channel logs.


IRC allows different programs to listen to the IRC channels and do some actions. These programs are called IRC bots. There are several bots used in the OpenStack IRC channels, this section contains the ones which are useful from the first days of OpenStack development. A more comprehensive list can be found in the OpenDev team IRC page.


Bot ini memungkinkan orang untuk saling mengenali dan berterima kasih. Siapa pun dapat memposting pesan di saluran IRC OpenStack untuk mengucapkan terima kasih. Cara untuk mengucapkan terima kasih adalah:

#thanks <irc_nick> <message>

Irc_nick adalah IRC nick dari orang yang menerima ucapan terima kasih. Pesannya adalah teks pendek untuk menjelaskan alasan terima kasih. Bot mengumpulkan semua berkat wiki page <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Terima kasih> __.


Statusbot is used to distribute urgent information from the OpenDev team to OpenStack channels.


Successbot is an IRC bot to express small successes in OpenStack development. To celebrate in the OpenStack IRC channel way just type:

#success <message>

ke saluran IRC OpenStack mana pun tempat Statusbot mendengarkan. Pesan tersebut akan diposting ke Successes wiki page <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Successes> __.