The watcher.db.sqlalchemy.job_store Module

class watcher.db.sqlalchemy.job_store.WatcherJobStore(url=None, engine=None, tablename=’apscheduler_jobs’, metadata=None, pickle_protocol=2, tag=None)[source]

Bases: apscheduler.jobstores.sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemyJobStore

Stores jobs in a database table using SQLAlchemy.

The table will be created if it doesn’t exist in the database. Plugin alias: sqlalchemy :param str url: connection string :param engine: an SQLAlchemy Engine to use instead of creating a new one based on url :param str tablename: name of the table to store jobs in :param metadata: a MetaData instance to use instead of creating a new one :param int pickle_protocol: pickle protocol level to use (for serialization), defaults to the highest available :param dict tag: tag description

start(scheduler, alias)[source]
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