(context=None, **kwargs)[source]¶Bases: watcher.objects.base.WatcherPersistentObject
, watcher.objects.base.WatcherObject
, watcher.objects.base.WatcherObjectDictCompat
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶Create a EfficacyIndicator record in the DB.
Parameters: | context – Security context. NOTE: This should only be used internally by the indirection_api. Unfortunately, RPC requires context as the first argument, even though we don’t use it. A context should be set when instantiating the object, e.g.: EfficacyIndicator(context) |
(context=None)[source]¶Delete the EfficacyIndicator from the DB.
Parameters: | context – Security context. NOTE: This should only be used internally by the indirection_api. Unfortunately, RPC requires context as the first argument, even though we don’t use it. A context should be set when instantiating the object, e.g.: EfficacyIndicator(context) |
(context, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶Find an efficacy indicator object given its ID or UUID
Parameters: | efficacy_indicator_id – the ID or UUID of an efficacy indicator. |
Returns: | a EfficacyIndicator object. |
(context, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶Find an efficacy indicator given its integer ID
Parameters: | efficacy_indicator_id – the id of an efficacy indicator. |
Returns: | a EfficacyIndicator object. |
(context, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶Find an efficacy indicator given its UUID
Parameters: |
Returns: | a |
(context, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶Return a list of EfficacyIndicator objects.
Parameters: |
Returns: | a list of |
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶Loads updates for this EfficacyIndicator.
Loads an efficacy indicator with the same uuid from the database and checks for updated attributes. Updates are applied to the loaded efficacy indicator column by column, if there are any updates.
Parameters: | context – Security context. NOTE: This should only be used internally by the indirection_api. Unfortunately, RPC requires context as the first argument, even though we don’t use it. A context should be set when instantiating the object, e.g.: EfficacyIndicator(context) |
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶Save updates to this EfficacyIndicator.
Updates will be made column by column based on the result of self.what_changed().
Parameters: | context – Security context. NOTE: This should only be used internally by the indirection_api. Unfortunately, RPC requires context as the first argument, even though we don’t use it. A context should be set when instantiating the object, e.g.: EfficacyIndicator(context) |
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶Soft Delete the efficacy indicator from the DB.
Parameters: | context – Security context. NOTE: This should only be used internally by the indirection_api. Unfortunately, RPC requires context as the first argument, even though we don’t use it. A context should be set when instantiating the object, e.g.: Audit(context) |
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