Fuel Infrastructure

Fuel Infrastructure


Fuel Infrastructure is the set of systems (servers and services) which provide the following functionality:

  • Automatic tests for every patchset committed to Fuel Gerrit repositories
  • Fuel nightly builds
  • Regular integration tests
  • Custom builds and custom tests
  • Release management and publishing
  • Centralized log storage for gathering logs from infra’s servers
  • Internal and external mirrors, used by our infra and partners
  • DNS service
  • Server’s monitoring service
  • Docker’s registry for managing custom docker images
  • Small helper subsystems like status pages and so on

Fuel Infrastructure servers are managed by Puppet from one Puppet Master node.

To add new server to the infrastructure you can either take any server with base Ubuntu 14.04 installed and connect it to the Puppet Master via puppet agent, or you can first set up the PXE-server with PXETool and then run server provisioning in automated way.

Your infrastructure must have a DNS service running in order to resolve the mandatory hosts like puppet-master.test.local or pxetool.test.local. There are at least two possible scenarios of using DNS in infra. Using DHCP service in your infra is optional, but can be more elastic and comfortable than static IP configuration.

  1. Create own DNS service provided by dnsmasq in your infra.

    1. Install base Ubuntu 14.04 with SSH service and set an appropriate FQDN such as dns01.test.local and configure the Dnsmasq service:

      apt-get update; apt-get install -y dnsmasq
      echo "addn-hosts=/etc/dnsmasq.d/hosts" >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf
      echo " puppet-master.test.local puppet-master" > /etc/dnsmasq.d/hosts
      echo " pxetool.test.local puppet-master" > /etc/dnsmasq.d/hosts
      service dnsmasq restart
    2. If you use a static IP, verify that the /etc/resolv.conf file points to your DNS.

    3. If you use a dynamic IP, verify that the DHCP service is updated correspondingly.

  2. Add a new zone to your current DNS setup or use an external, online DNS service.

    1. Add a zone named test.local.
    2. Add an appropriate A and its coresponding PTR record for the puppet-master name (mandatory for deployment) at least.
    3. If you use a static IP, verify that the /etc/resolv.conf file points to your DNS,
    4. If you use a dynamic IP, verify that the DHCP service is updated correspondingly.

Jenkins Jobs

Our CI requires many jobs and configuration, it is not convenient to configure everything with jenkins GUI. We use dedicated repository and JJB to store and manage our jobs.

Install Jenkins Job Builder

To begin work with jenkins job builder we need to install it and configure.

  1. Install packages required to work with JJB

    apt-get install -y git python-tox
    # or
    yum install git python-tox
  2. Download git repository and install JJB

    git clone https://github.com/fuel-infra/jenkins-jobs.git
    cd jenkins-jobs
  3. Enable python environment, please replace <server> with server name, for example fuel-ci

    source .tox/<server>/bin/activate
  4. Create file jenkins_jobs.ini with JJB configuration. It could be created at any place, for this documentation we assume that it will be placed in conf/ directory, inside local copy of jenkins-jobs repository.

    user=<JENKINS USER>
    url=https://<JENKINS URL>/


<JENKINS_USER> is the user already defined in Jenkins with an appropriate permissions set:

  • Read - under the Global group of permissions
  • Create, Delete, Configure and Read - under the Job group of permissions

Upload jobs to Jenkins

When JJB is installed and configured you can upload jobs to jenkins master.


We assume that you are in main directory of jenkins-jobs repository and you have enabled python environment.

Upload all jobs configured for one specified server, for example upload of fule-ci can be done in this way:

jenkins-jobs --conf conf/jenkins_jobs.ini update servers/fuel-ci:common

Upload only one job

jenkins-jobs --conf conf/jenkins_jobs.ini update servers/fuel-ci:common 8.0-community.all

Building ISO with Jenkins


For minimal environment we need 3 systems:

  • Jenkins master

  • Jenkins slave with enabled slave function for ISO building and deployment testing. This can be done in different ways. For instance, you can create hiera role for such server with the values provided below. Please keep in mind that you have to explicitely set run_test and build_fuel_iso variables to true, as ones are not enabled by default.

      - '::fuel_project::jenkins::slave'
    fuel_project::jenkins::slave::run_test: true
    fuel_project::jenkins::slave::build_fuel_iso: true


    Every slave which will be used for ISO deployment testing, like BVT, requires additional preparation.

    Once puppet is applied, and slave is configured in Jenkins master, you need to run the prepare_env job on it. Job will setup the python virtual environment with fuel-devops installed (DevOps Guide).

    If you build ISO newer than 6.1 there is no need to change default job parameters. For older versions you need to run build with update_devops_2_5_x option checked.

  • Seed server - it is the server where you plan to store built ISO

Create Jenkins jobs

To build your own ISO you need to create job configurations for it, it requires a few steps:

  1. Create your own jobs repository, for start we will use fuel-ci jobs

    cd jenkins-jobs/servers
    cp -pr fuel-ci test-ci
  2. To build and test ISO we will use files:

    • servers/test-ci/8.0/community.all.yaml
    • servers/test-ci/8.0/fuel_community_publish_iso.yaml
    • servers/test-ci/8.0/fuel_community.centos.bvt_2.yaml
    • servers/test-ci/8.0/fuel_community.ubuntu.bvt_2.yaml
  3. In all files you need to make changes:

    • Change email alert@example.com to your own
    • If you don’t need reporting jobs you should delete triggering of fuel_community_build_reports in all jobs or disable reporting job
    - job:
          - trigger-parameterized-builds:
            - project: fuel_community_build_reports
    • Update seed name server in file servers/test-ci/8.0/fuel_community_publish_iso.yaml
    - job:
          - trigger-parameterized-builds:
            - project:  8.0.fuel_community.centos.bvt_2, 8.0.fuel_community.ubuntu.bvt_2
               predefined-parameters: |
    • Update seed name server in file servers/test-ci/8.0/builders/publish_fuel_community_iso.sh
    sed -i 's/seed-us1.fuel-infra.org/seed.test.local/g' servers/test-ci/8.0/builders/publish_fuel_community_iso.sh
    sed -i 's/seed-cz1.fuel-infra.org/seed.test.local/g' servers/test-ci/8.0/builders/publish_fuel_community_iso.sh
  4. Create jobs on jenkins master


    Please remember to:

    • change current directory to the root directory of cloned jenkins-jobs repository
    • enable python environment
    • use correct jenkins_jobs.ini file (with correct jenkins master server)
    jenkins-jobs --conf conf/jenkins_jobs.ini update servers/test-ci:common 8.0-community.all
    jenkins-jobs --conf conf/jenkins_jobs.ini update servers/test-ci:common 8.0.publish_fuel_community_iso
    jenkins-jobs --conf conf/jenkins_jobs.ini update servers/test-ci:common 8.0.fuel_community.centos.bvt_2
    jenkins-jobs --conf conf/jenkins_jobs.ini update servers/test-ci:common 8.0.fuel_community.ubuntu.bvt_2

Start ISO building

When you finish setting jobs up on jenkins master you will see project with name 8.0-community.all there, to start ISO build and test procedure you need to run mentioned project.

Build and test procedure have 3 steps:

  • ISO building (8.0-community.all)
  • when ISO is successfully created it will be uploaded to the seed server (by triggering 8.0.publish_fuel_community_iso)
  • successful upload will start BVT test (8.0.fuel_community.centos.bvt_2 and 8.0.fuel_community.ubuntu.bvt_2)


Although fuel-* repositories are hosted by the OpenStack Gerrit, we use additional Gerrit instance to host OpenStack packages, internal projects and all the code related to Infrastructure itself.

Our Gerrit instance is installed and configured by Puppet, including specifying the exact Java WAR file that is used(link). To manage Gerrit instance we use Jeepyb - the tool written by Openstack Infra team, which allows to store projects configuration in YAML format.

To use Jeepyb with gerrit you need to create “projects.yaml” configuration file, where for each project you add the following information:

  • project name
  • project description
  • project ACL
  • project upstream

If “upstream” option is specified, Jeepyb will automaticaly import the upstream repository to this new project. To apply the configuration, use “manage-projects” command.

Every project has ACL file. One ACL file can be reused in several projects. In ACL file, access rights are defined based on the Gerrit user groups. For example, in this file you can allow certain group to use the Code-Review +/-2 marks.

In our gerrit, we have some global projects - <projects>/. The Core Reviewers for these projects are <one-core-group>.



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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.
