You can modify the following OpenStack environment deployment stages using custom deployment workflows:
An OpenStack environment has the following level of deployment workflows:
- describes the default OpenStack environment workflows.
We do not recommend to make any changes in the release workflow. Apply
all changes to the release workflow by creating and modifying the plugin
and cluster workflows.plugin
- describes plugin deployment workflow. During the deployment,
Fuel merges the configuration described in the plugin workflows with
the release workflow and applies a unified deployment graph. Typically,
plugin’s source code includes the descriptions of deployment workflow in
. By default, Fuel includes an empty plugin
workflow. If you want to make changes in an OpenStack environment,
creating a plugin is the preferred way.cluster
- describes the changes that will be applied to this OpenStack
environment. Use this option only if creating a plugin is not possible.
In all other cases, create a plugin.Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.