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공식 OpenStack 번역자¶
OpenStack 번역자가 되는 단계¶
번역은 OpenStack 커뮤니티에 기여하는 중요한 또 다른 방법입니다. 공식 번역자가 되고자 한다면, 다음 단계를 완료할 필요가 있습니다:
Before you start contribution, you’ll have to agree to the contributor license agreement. (You can preview the full text of the OpenInfra Foundation Individual Contributor License Agreement first if you want.)
If you want to become a translator only, simply speaking, you need to join The OpenInfra Foundation - Individual. You can see more details at Contributor Guide - Account Setup.
사용자 ID를 Zanata에 등록하기
Zanata 서버 에 접속합니다
“Log in” 버튼을 클릭합니다.
If you don’t have OpenInfra ID (previously, OpenStack ID), register one.
After you log in with OpenInfra ID, you will be requested to fill in your profile.
회사 이메일로 등록하여, 회사에서 크레딧을 얻도록 돕는 것을 권장합니다. 이를 원하지 않는 경우에는, 개인 이메일 또한 괜찮습니다.
번역팀 가입을 요청합니다
상단에 있는 “Languages” 를 클릭하면, 모든 언어 목록이 보일 것입니다.
번역하고자 하는 언어를 클릭하면, 해당 언어 페이지가 보일 것입니다.
오른쪽에 있는 “…” 를 클릭하고, “Request to join team” 을 선택합니다.
이름을 포함한 본인에 대한 짧은 소개를 “Additional information” 에 입력하고, “Send message” 를 클릭합니다.
언어 코디네이터가 해당 가입 요청이 유효한지 아닌지를 결정하는데 사용 가능한 유일한 정보이므로, 짧은 소개를 포함하였는지를 확인합니다.
요청이 수락된 경우, 이메일 통지를 받을 것입니다.
If your request is pending for long days, you can reach to your language coordinator through Zanata, to I18n people through IRC , or to I18n SIG Chair directly.
이제 번역을 시작할 수 있습니다. 번역에 기여함으로써 실제 OpenStack 공식 번역자가 될 수 있습니다. 컨트리뷰션을 하는 다양한 방법 을 살펴봅니다.
I18n 프로젝트 내 활동 컨트리뷰터 (AC) 상태¶
The I18n team is one of official OpenStack SIGs (Special Interest Groups), so official translators who have contributed translations to the strings in code (e.g., Horizon) or documentations in official OpenStack projects or OpenStack SIGs in a specific period are regarded as “AC” (Active Contributor) of the I18n SIG. AC can vote for OpenStack TC (Technical Committee). For more detail on AC and TC, see OpenStack Technical Committee Charter.
AC is a renamed term from “ATC” (Active Technical Contributor) which are the same. You can see more details on 2021-06-02 ‘OpenStack ATC’ definition. This page also uses ATC term to mention old calculation and statistics.
As of now, AC of official translators are treated as extra ACs as we have no way to collect statistics automatically now. The list of extra ACs is maintained by the SIG Chair and is usually updated short before the deadline of extra ACs nomination in each release cycle. The deadline of extra ACs nomination can be checked in the release schedule page at http://releases.openstack.org/ (for example, http://releases.openstack.org/bobcat/schedule.html).
Translators who translate and review 300 and more words combinedly in the last six months until the deadline of extra ACs nomination are nominated as ACs, and the AC status of translators is valid for one year. Translation count and review count can be added up. The detail period is determined by the SIG Chair in each cycle. For Newton cycle, the six month period was from 2016-02-01 to 2016-07-31, and the ATC status expired on July 2017 for the translators and reviewers with no additional contributions.
I18n SIG Chair updates the list using Zanata API and translator list. Detail statistics data is available below.
(관련해) 질문이 있는 경우, 편하게 SIG Chair에게 또는 i18n 리스트에 문의합니다.
Note that code or documentation contributors to openstack/i18n repository are acknowledged as AC automatically in the same way as for most OpenStack projects and/or SIGs.
I18n 프로젝트 AC 멤버¶
A current list all ACs is available at i18n
part in
통계는 Python 스크립트 를 사용해 계산되며 Zanata 통계 API 를 활용합니다. 번역자 목록은 translation_team_yaml 을 통해 유지되며 openstack/i18n git 저장소 에 있습니다.
I18n 프로젝트 ATC 멤버¶
Before the transition to I18n SIG, I18n team was formed as one of official OpenStack projects and the ATC list was maintained by proposing a patch to projects.yaml on governance repository.
On June 2021, ATC was renamed to AC. More information is available at one TC resolution.