NexentaStor5 Driver for OpenStack Manila¶
The NexentaStor5 Manila driver provides NFS shared file systems to OpenStack.
The NexentaStor 5.1 or newer
Backend Configuration¶
The following parameters need to be configured in the manila configuration file for the NexentaStor5 driver:
share_backend_name = <backend name to enable>
share_driver = manila.share.drivers.nexenta.ns5.nexenta_nas.NexentaNasDriver
driver_handles_share_servers = False
nexenta_nas_host = <Data address to NAS shares>
nexenta_user = <username for management operations>
nexenta_password = <password for management operations>
nexenta_pool = <Pool name where NAS shares are created>
nexenta_rest_addresses = <Management address for Rest API access>
nexenta_folder = <Parent filesystem where all Manila shares are kept>
nexenta_nfs = True
Only IP share access control is allowed for NFS shares.
Back-end configuration example¶
enabled_share_backends = NexentaStor5
share_backend_name = NexentaStor5
driver_handles_share_servers = False
nexenta_folder = manila
share_driver = manila.share.drivers.nexenta.ns5.nexenta_nas.NexentaNasDriver
nexenta_rest_addresses =,
nexenta_nas_host =
nexenta_rest_port = 8443
nexenta_pool = pool1
nexenta_nfs = True
nexenta_user = admin
nexenta_password = secret_password
nexenta_thin_provisioning = True