Distribution upgrades

Distribution upgrades

This guide provides information about upgrading from one distribution release to the next.


The information provided here goes from ubuntu xenial to ubuntu bionic


From stein, support for xenial is dropped, so rocky is the transition point for upgrading the ubuntu distribution version from xenial to bionic. The only supported way for such a transition is a reinstall of the operating system, then running openstack-ansible to install services on this new host.

Here’s a checklist of what to do when upgrading.


  1. Identifying your “primary” haproxy/galera/rabbitmq/repo infrastructure_host

    In a “simple” 3 _infrastructure_hosts setup, these services/containers usually end up being all on the the same host.

    This will be the LAST box you’ll want to reinstall.

    1. haproxy/keepalived

      Finding your haproxy/keepalived primary is as easy as

      ssh {{ external_lb_vip_address }}

      Or preferably if you’ve installed haproxy with stats, like so;

      haproxy_stats_enabled: true
      haproxy_stats_bind_address: "{{ external_lb_vip_address }}"

      and can visit https://admin:password@external_lb_vip_address:1936/ and read “Statistics Report for pid # on infrastructure_host

    2. repo_container

      Check all your repo_containers and look for /etc/lsyncd/lsyncd.conf.lua

  2. Disable your non-primary repo_all-back

    Log into your primary haproxy/keepalived and run something similar to .. code:: console

    echo “disable server repo_all-back/<infrahost>_repo_container-<hash>” | socat /var/run/haproxy.stat stdio

    for each repo_container that’s non-primary.

    Or if you’ve enabled haproxy_stats as described above, you can visit https://admin:password@external_lb_vip_address:1936/ and select them and “Set state to MAINT”


    This is because the lsync process is already running on your primary repo_container, and will only send updates of files it receives back to your new repo_container. So xenial packages aren’t getting updated and synced out to your new repo_container. And requests for xenial packages could go to this new bionic backend.

    You can optionally solve this by triggering a restart of the lsyncd process on the primary repo_container each time the repo_build.yml finishes.

    (Also check that your pypiserver.service is getting refreshed/restarted on your new repo_container)

  3. Update openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml

    repo_build_global_links_path: "{{ repo_build_base_path }}/links/{{ repo_build_os_distro_version }}"
  4. ceph luminous for bionic

    Luminous packages for bionic from ceph.com aren’t available, so you’ll default to getting them from uca, which is using mimic. We fix the pinning by altering two places in openstack-ansible/playbooks/ceph-install.yml and once in openstack-ansible/playbooks/ceph-rgw-install.yml

    apt_pinned_packages: [{ package: '*', release: "{{ (ansible_distribution_release == 'bionic') | ternary('Ubuntu', 'ceph.com') }}" }]

    This fix was merged in the latest stable/rocky on 2020-03-11.

Actually deploying

  1. Reinstall a server that has a repo-container with ubuntu bionic

    You’ll want to avoid doing this on your primary. Typically an _infrastructure_host, unless you’ve customized repo-infra_hosts

  2. Clearing out stale information

    1. Removing stale ansible-facts

      rm /etc/openstack_deploy/ansible-facts/reinstalled_host*

      (* because we’re deleting all container facts for the host aswell.)

    2. If rabbitmq container was running on this host

      we forget it by running these commands on another rabbitmq host.

      rabbitmqctl cluster_status
      rabbitmqctl forget_cluster_node rabbit@removed_host_rabbitmq_container
  3. If it’s not a “primary”, install everything on the new node

    openstack-ansible setup-everything.yml
  4. If it IS a “primary”, do these steps

    openstack-ansible setup-hosts.yml

    Temporarily set your primary-galera in MAINT in haproxy

    openstack-ansible galera-install.yml

    You’ll get a errors about some haproxy handlers, no need to worry. You’ll now have mariadb running, but it’s not synced info from the non-primaries. To fix this we ssh to the primary galera, and restart the mariadb.service and verify everything is in order.

    systemctl restart mariadb.service
    mysql> SHOW STATUS LIKE "wsrep_cluster_%";
    mysql> SHOW DATABASES;

    Everything should be sync’ed and in order now. You can take your primary-galera from MAINT to READY

    We can move on to rabbitmq-primary

    openstack-ansible rabbitmq-install.yml

    rabbitmq-primary will also be in a weird cluster of it’s own state. You fix this by doing these commands on it.

    rabbitmqctl stop_app
    rabbitmqctl join_cluster rabbit@some_operational_rabbitmq_container
    rabbitmqctl start_app
    rabbitmqctl cluster_status

    Everything should now be in a working state and we can finish it off with

    openstack-ansible setup-infrastructure.yml
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