class os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.cc_message(md_lv=0, version=0, rdi=0, interval=4, seq_num=0, mep_id=1, md_name_format=4, md_name_length=0, md_name=b'0', short_ma_name_format=2, short_ma_name_length=0, short_ma_name=b'1', tlvs=None)

CFM (IEEE Std 802.1ag-2007) Continuity Check Message (CCM) encoder/decoder class.

This is used with os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.cfm.

An instance has the following attributes at least. Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order. __init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.

Attribute Description
md_lv Maintenance Domain Level.
version The protocol version number.
rdi RDI bit.
interval CCM Interval.The default is 4 (1 frame/s)
seq_num Sequence Number.
mep_id Maintenance association End Point Identifier.
md_name_format Maintenance Domain Name Format. The default is 4 (Character string)
md_name_length Maintenance Domain Name Length. (0 means automatically-calculate when encoding.)
md_name Maintenance Domain Name.
short_ma_name_format Short MA Name Format. The default is 2 (Character string)
short_ma_name_length Short MA Name Format Length. (0 means automatically-calculate when encoding.)
short_ma_name Short MA Name.
tlvs TLVs.
class os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.cfm(op=None)

CFM (Connectivity Fault Management) Protocol header class.

OpCode Field range assignments

OpCode range CFM PDU or organization
0 Reserved for IEEE 802.1
1 Continuity Check Message (CCM)
2 Loopback Reply (LBR)
3 Loopback Message (LBM)
4 Linktrace Reply (LTR)
5 Linktrace Message (LTM)
06 - 31 Reserved for IEEE 802.1
32 - 63 Defined by ITU-T Y.1731
64 - 255 Reserved for IEEE 802.1.

An instance has the following attributes at least. Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order. __init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.

Attribute Description
classmethod parser(buf)

Decode a protocol header.

This method is used only when decoding a packet.

Decode a protocol header at offset 0 in bytearray buf. Returns the following three objects.

  • An object to describe the decoded header.
  • A packet_base.PacketBase subclass appropriate for the rest of the packet. None when the rest of the packet should be considered as raw payload.
  • The rest of packet.
serialize(payload, prev)

Encode a protocol header.

This method is used only when encoding a packet.

Encode a protocol header. Returns a bytearray which contains the header.

payload is the rest of the packet which will immediately follow this header.

prev is a packet_base.PacketBase subclass for the outer protocol header. prev is None if the current header is the outer-most. For example, prev is ipv4 or ipv6 for tcp.serialize.

class os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.data_tlv(length=0, data_value=b'')

CFM (IEEE Std 802.1ag-2007) Data TLV encoder/decoder class.

This is used with os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.cfm.

An instance has the following attributes at least. Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order. __init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.

Attribute Description
length Length of Value field. (0 means automatically-calculate when encoding)
data_value Bit pattern of any of n octets.(n = length)
class os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.interface_status_tlv(length=0, interface_status=1)

CFM (IEEE Std 802.1ag-2007) Interface Status TLV encoder/decoder class.

This is used with os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.cfm.

An instance has the following attributes at least. Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order. __init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.

Attribute Description
length Length of Value field. (0 means automatically-calculate when encoding.)
interface_status Interface Status.The default is 1 (isUp)

CFM (IEEE Std 802.1ag-2007) Linktrace Message (LTM) encoder/decoder class.

This is used with os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.cfm.

An instance has the following attributes at least. Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order. __init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.

Attribute Description
md_lv Maintenance Domain Level.
version The protocol version number.
use_fdb_only UseFDBonly bit.
transaction_id LTM Transaction Identifier.
ttl LTM TTL.
ltm_orig_addr Original MAC Address.
ltm_targ_addr Target MAC Address.
tlvs TLVs.

CFM (IEEE Std 802.1ag-2007) Linktrace Reply (LTR) encoder/decoder class.

This is used with os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.cfm.

An instance has the following attributes at least. Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order. __init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.

Attribute Description
version The protocol version number.
use_fdb_only UseFDBonly bit.
fwd_yes FwdYes bit.
terminal_mep TerminalMep bit.
transaction_id LTR Transaction Identifier.
ttl Reply TTL.
relay_action Relay Action.The default is 1 (RlyHit)
tlvs TLVs.
class os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.loopback_message(md_lv=0, version=0, transaction_id=0, tlvs=None)

CFM (IEEE Std 802.1ag-2007) Loopback Message (LBM) encoder/decoder class.

This is used with os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.cfm.

An instance has the following attributes at least. Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order. __init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.

Attribute Description
md_lv Maintenance Domain Level.
version The protocol version number.
transaction_id Loopback Transaction Identifier.
tlvs TLVs.
class os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.loopback_reply(md_lv=0, version=0, transaction_id=0, tlvs=None)

CFM (IEEE Std 802.1ag-2007) Loopback Reply (LBR) encoder/decoder class.

This is used with os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.cfm.

An instance has the following attributes at least. Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order. __init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.

Attribute Description
md_lv Maintenance Domain Level.
version The protocol version number.
transaction_id Loopback Transaction Identifier.
tlvs TLVs.
class os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.ltm_egress_identifier_tlv(length=0, egress_id_ui=0, egress_id_mac='00:00:00:00:00:00')

CFM (IEEE Std 802.1ag-2007) LTM EGRESS TLV encoder/decoder class.

This is used with os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.cfm.

An instance has the following attributes at least. Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order. __init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.

Attribute Description
length Length of Value field. (0 means automatically-calculate when encoding.)
egress_id_ui Egress Identifier of Unique ID.
egress_id_mac Egress Identifier of MAC address.
class os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.ltr_egress_identifier_tlv(length=0, last_egress_id_ui=0, last_egress_id_mac='00:00:00:00:00:00', next_egress_id_ui=0, next_egress_id_mac='00:00:00:00:00:00')

CFM (IEEE Std 802.1ag-2007) LTR EGRESS TLV encoder/decoder class.

This is used with os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.cfm.

An instance has the following attributes at least. Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order. __init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.

Attribute Description
length Length of Value field. (0 means automatically-calculate when encoding.)
last_egress_id_ui Last Egress Identifier of Unique ID.
last_egress_id_mac Last Egress Identifier of MAC address.
next_egress_id_ui Next Egress Identifier of Unique ID.
next_egress_id_mac Next Egress Identifier of MAC address.
class os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.organization_specific_tlv(length=0, oui=b'x00x00x00', subtype=0, value=b'')
CFM (IEEE Std 802.1ag-2007) Organization Specific TLV
encoder/decoder class.

This is used with os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.cfm.

An instance has the following attributes at least. Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order. __init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.

Attribute Description
length Length of Value field. (0 means automatically-calculate when encoding.)
oui Organizationally Unique Identifier.
subtype Subtype.
value Value.(optional)
class os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.port_status_tlv(length=0, port_status=2)

CFM (IEEE Std 802.1ag-2007) Port Status TLV encoder/decoder class.

This is used with os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.cfm.

An instance has the following attributes at least. Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order. __init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.

Attribute Description
length Length of Value field. (0 means automatically-calculate when encoding.)
port_status Port Status.The default is 1 (psUp)
class os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.reply_egress_tlv(length=0, action=1, mac_address='00:00:00:00:00:00', port_id_length=0, port_id_subtype=0, port_id=b'')

CFM (IEEE Std 802.1ag-2007) Reply Egress TLV encoder/decoder class.

This is used with os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.cfm.

An instance has the following attributes at least. Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order. __init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.

Attribute Description
length Length of Value field. (0 means automatically-calculate when encoding.)
action Egress Action.The default is 1 (EgrOK)
mac_address Egress MAC Address.
port_id_length Egress PortID Length. (0 means automatically-calculate when encoding.)
port_id_subtype Egress PortID Subtype.
port_id Egress PortID.
class os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.reply_ingress_tlv(length=0, action=1, mac_address='00:00:00:00:00:00', port_id_length=0, port_id_subtype=0, port_id=b'')

CFM (IEEE Std 802.1ag-2007) Reply Ingress TLV encoder/decoder class.

This is used with os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.cfm.

An instance has the following attributes at least. Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order. __init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.

Attribute Description
length Length of Value field. (0 means automatically-calculate when encoding.)
action Ingress Action.The default is 1 (IngOK)
mac_address Ingress MAC Address.
port_id_length Ingress PortID Length. (0 means automatically-calculate when encoding.)
port_id_subtype Ingress PortID Subtype.
port_id Ingress PortID.
class os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.sender_id_tlv(length=0, chassis_id_length=0, chassis_id_subtype=4, chassis_id=b'', ma_domain_length=0, ma_domain=b'', ma_length=0, ma=b'')

CFM (IEEE Std 802.1ag-2007) Sender ID TLV encoder/decoder class.

This is used with os_ken.lib.packet.cfm.cfm.

An instance has the following attributes at least. Most of them are same to the on-wire counterparts but in host byte order. __init__ takes the corresponding args in this order.

Attribute Description
length Length of Value field. (0 means automatically-calculate when encoding.)
chassis_id_length Chassis ID Length. (0 means automatically-calculate when encoding.)
chassis_id_subtype Chassis ID Subtype. The default is 4 (Mac Address)
chassis_id Chassis ID.
ma_domain_length Management Address Domain Length. (0 means automatically-calculate when encoding.)
ma_domain Management Address Domain.
ma_length Management Address Length. (0 means automatically-calculate when encoding.)
ma Management Address.
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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.