Victoria Series Release Notes


Bug Fixes

  • Fix response format total for v2 dataframes API. The response for v2 dataframes is {"total": 3}. However, for Elasticsearch search response, the "" in the response body is {"value": 3, "relation": "eq"}, which does not match the API response schema.

  • Fix failure to process rating using the PyScripts rating module.


Bug Fixes


New Features

  • Adds a new configuration http_pool_maxsize that defines the maximum size of Gnocchi’s fetcher and collector HTTP connection pools.

    The default value of this new configuration is defined by the requests library in the requests.adapters.DEFAULT_POOLSIZE global variable.

  • Adds a Monasca fetcher retrieving scopes from Monasca dimensions. See the fetcher documentation for more details.

Known Issues

  • Fixes exceptions in Prometheus collector when metadata defined in metrics.yml is not present on metrics retrieved from Prometheus.

  • The Prometheus collector now applies quantity mutation on metrics.

Bug Fixes

  • The use of tz.UTC from the dateutil package was removed, bringing compatibility with the version available in RHEL and CentOS 8.