Wallaby Series Release Notes


Bug Fixes

  • Fix response format total for v2 dataframes API. The response for v2 dataframes is {"total": 3}. However, for Elasticsearch search response, the "hits.total" in the response body is {"value": 3, "relation": "eq"}, which does not match the API response schema.

  • Fix failure to process rating using the PyScripts rating module.


Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes

  • Fix the definition of the admin_or_owner policy expression, which was preventing even admins from using the get_summary endpoint with all_tenants=True or tenant_id parameters.


New Features

  • Create the option ‘use_all_resource_revisions’ for Gnocchi collector.

Upgrade Notes

  • The default value of [oslo_policy] policy_file config option has been changed from policy.json to policy.yaml. Operators who are utilizing customized or previously generated static policy JSON files (which are not needed by default), should generate new policy files or convert them in YAML format. Use the oslopolicy-convert-json-to-yaml tool to convert a JSON to YAML formatted policy file in backward compatible way.

Deprecation Notes

  • Use of JSON policy files was deprecated by the oslo.policy library during the Victoria development cycle. As a result, this deprecation is being noted in the Wallaby cycle with an anticipated future removal of support by oslo.policy. As such operators will need to convert to YAML policy files. Please see the upgrade notes for details on migration of any custom policy files.