A new module,
, has been added as a place to gather WSGIapplication
objects. This is intended to ease deployment by providing a consistent location for these objects. For example, if using uWSGI then instead of:[uwsgi] wsgi-file = /bin/keystone-wsgi-public
You can now use:
[uwsgi] module = keystone.wsgi.api:application
This also simplifies deployment with other WSGI servers that expect module paths such as gunicorn.
User and group listing supports pagination. Query parameters limit and marker are added and work as described in API-SIG doc
New configuration variable max_db_limit is added to set an absolute limit amount of entries fetched from the database at a single time. It is used in resource pagination. Existing option list_limit is optional and describes preferred count of entries while max_db_limit sets top limit applied to user input and individual list_limit options.
Project and domain listing supports pagination. Query parameters limit and marker are added and work as described in API-SIG doc
Dependency on abandoned library passlib has been dropped in favor of using bcrypt and cryptography directly. It was ensured that passwords hashed with passlib are still supported, but absence of cornercases can not be guaranteed. If users are not able to login using old password such password must be rotated.
Python 3.8 support was dropped. The minimum version of Python now supported is Python 3.9.
The templated catalog driver has been removed. The
[catalog] template_file
option, which was used by the templated catalog driver has also been removed.
[DEFAULT] max_param_size
option has been deprecated. This option was used in identity v2 APU but identity v2 API was removed in 13.0.0 release.
This is the last release where passwords hashed using sha512_crypt algorithm are supported. Since even support of that is being dropped in python 3.13 it would be physically dropped from Keystone in the next release (Epoxy).
The sha512_crypt password hashing module has been removed, completing the deprecation process and dropping use of the crypt module which has been dropped in Python >= 3.13.