Current Series Release Notes


New Features

  • Add support for the new Glance Locations APIs

    • Add client support for newly added API, POST /v2/images/{image_id}/locations in Glance. New add location operation is allowed for service to service interaction, end users only when http store is enabled in deployment and images which are in queued state only. This api replaces the image-update (old location-add) mechanism for consumers like cinder and nova to address OSSN-0090 and OSSN-0065. This client change adds support of new shell command add-location and new client method add_image_location.

    • Add support for newly added API, GET /v2/images/{image_id}/locations in Glance to fetch the locations associated to an image. This change adds new client method get_image_locations since this new get locations api is meant for service user only hence it is not exposed to the end user as a shell command.