Ussuri Series Release Notes


Bug Fixes

  • Bug 1889666: ‘stores’ property added when using image-create-via-import –stores <list>



This version of python-glanceclient fixes an important issue where under some circumstances the client was not sending information of the appropriate data type when contacting the Image Service API.

Bug Fixes

  • Bug 1871674: Pass boolean instead of string for –all-stores, –allow-failure options



This version of python-glanceclient finalizes client-side support for the Glance import image in multiple stores, copy existing image in multiple stores and delete image from single store.

New Features

  • Support for deleting the image data from single store.

Upgrade Notes

  • The following Command Line Interface calls now take --stores, --all-stores and --allow-failure option:

    • glance image-create-via-import

    • glance image-import

    The value for --stores option is a list of store identifiers. The list of available stores may be obtained from the glance stores-info command.

    The value for --all-stores option could be True or False.

    The value for --allow-failure option could be True or False.

Bug Fixes

  • Bug 1838694: glanceclient doesn’t cleanup session it creates if one is not provided


New Features

  • Adds support for copy-image import method which will copy existing images into multiple stores.

  • Adds support for multi-store import where user can import image into multiple backend stores with single command.

Upgrade Notes

  • Python 2.7 support has been dropped. Last release of python-glanceclient to support py2.7 is OpenStack Train. The minimum version of Python now supported by python-glanceclient is Python 3.6.