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OpenStack Events

The Open Infrastructure Foundation organises multiple events per year to bring together the community as well as companies and individuals interested in the technology and to embrace and encourage open collaboration.

This section allows you to:

  • Understand the differences between the different in-person OpenStack events

  • Know which events are valuable to you

Open Infrastructure Summit

The Summits are annual events with thousands of attendees from all around the globe. The event occasions are alternating somewhere between North America, Europe and Asia.

The event is designed to bring together users, operators and developers to discuss feedback and future plans and you will also find a lot of options to collaborate with representatives from adjacent communities.

To see how OpenStack and further Open Infrastructure Foundation projects are utilised you will find exhibitors at the Market Place area.

The sessions are grouped into two major parts, the conference and the Forum.


The conference sessions consist of 40-minute-long presentations and panel discussions organised into tracks, like ‘Public Clouds’, ‘Containers’, or ‘Telecom/NFV’.

There is a Call For Papers (CFP) process before each Summit where anyone can propose sessions for the upcoming event. After the CFP deadline the proposals go through a community vote after which a group of track chairs decide about the final content for each track.


The Forum sessions are also 40 minutes long, but the sessions are intended to be working sessions as opposed to presentations.

The purpose of the Forum is to provide space for the developer and user community to get together and discuss feedback and find solutions to problems and new challenges and requirements.

The Forum sessions are proposed by the community through a proposal period and the final sessions are selected by a committee.

You can find both the conference and Forum sessions on the Summit schedule.

Project Teams Gathering (PTG)

This event is created to provide space and time for developers and operators to get together and have detailed technical discussions.

The PTG sessions are organised into parallel tracks. The time is divided between Working Groups, SIGs, cross-project and project team sessions and further sessions dedicated to operations related discussions.

PTGs are scheduled at the beginning of each release cycle which makes it possible to do more thorough release planning and ensure that the more complicated proposals are discussed with all the affected teams.

This event is recommended to developers, operators and end users who are already involved in community activities. If you are a new comer you might want to consider one of the OpenStack Summits first where you can find several sessions to help you find your way within the community.

Community-organised Events

There are community organised events all year all around the globe. Be sure you check when the next one is in your area!

OpenStack/OpenInfra Days

OpenStack Days events are similar to the Open Infrastructure Summits that are organised by the local community, users groups and companies.

The events are one or two days long and filled with mainly presentations and panel discussions about the latest hot topics in the community’s life. It gives you a great opportunity to meet the local community and find people who are interested in the same challenges and technology as you are. Connecting with people in the same region where you are gives you the advantage to be able to reach out easier to them later as they are in the same time zone, maybe even in the same city.

In some cases there are training sessions and workshops as well and you may see the OpenStack Upstream Institute training on the agenda as well.

OpenInfra Days are essentially the same in format and benefit to attendees, but are broader in scope. OpenInfra Days are focused on being more open and welcoming of adjacent infrastructure technologies.


Meet-ups are organised by local user groups with different cadences. They are a few hours long with a few presentations, discussion topics and some snacks.

Look for meetups in your area and if you cannot find one you are welcome to organise one yourself!

Operators Meetup

Aside from the Forum, the other operator focused event is the operator meetup. You can read general information about it here Meet Ups. It’s organised by the operator community biannually in locations all over the world.