Modify control groups for multiple nodes

Modify control groups for multiple nodesΒΆ

You can modify cgroups for a particular process on multiple nodes by creating a separate file with the cgroups configuration, uploading the new configuration file to fuel, and restarting the cgroups task. You can modify control groups before or after you deploy an OpenStack environment.

To modify control groups for multiple nodes:

  1. Log in to the Fuel Master node CLI.

  2. Download the Fuel configuration:

    fuel settings --env-id <id> --download
  3. Open the settings.yaml file for editing.

  4. Copy the cgroups section.

  5. Create a .yaml file with the same name as the .yaml file that you have downloaded in step 2.

  6. Paste the copied cgroups configuration into the file.

  7. Edit as required..

  8. Upload the new configuration file to Fuel:

    fuel settings --dir <path_to_new_yaml> --env-id <env_id> --upload
  9. Restart the cgroups task:

    fuel node --node-id <node_1> <node_2> <node_3> --tasks cgroups
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