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The I18n team welcomes any kinds of contribution.

  • Translations

  • Translation tools

  • Fixing I18n bugs


To help with translation, become an official translator and join your language team. Then go to translation website to start translation. You can find prioritised translation jobs as I18n team at the top of the page.

Your language team may have useful information to help our translation efforts including translation guidelines, priorities, communication tools and so on. It is worth visited. You can find your language team page at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam/team. If you have questions, you can contact your coordinators.

To report translation errors, see Reporting translation bugs.

Fixing I18n bugs

If you want to help fix I18n bugs of OpenStack, we can find them in the following places:

Translation tools

Go to the translation tools page to understand the tools and scripts which support our translation platform.

If you want to help to report bugs, add more wishlists, and improve them, you can report and fix bugs at openstack-i18n in Launchpad. Mark bugs with a tag “tools”.