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I18n team meeting¶
The I18n team holds weekly Team Meetings on Wednesdays at alternating weekly basis in #openstack-i18n IRC channel. To download ICS file, please visit OpenDev - IRC channels and meetings page.
One week: 13:30 UTC, Wednesday
The other week: 23:15 UTC, Wednesday
Odd and even values are calculated based on ISO week numbers.
Meeting agenda¶
Everybody can propose agenda topics on I18nTeamMeeting Wiki Page. If there are no topics proposed, the meeting might be cancelled for that week.
Usual topics
Review of action items from the previous meeting
Translation activities with plans from language teams
Launchpad bugs, Gerrit reviews, and broken Zuul jobs
Open discussion
Handy links (always sort of on the agenda)
Previous meetings¶
You can refer to previous meeting logs with their notes.
IRC web client¶
If you are not familiar with IRC, please read Contributor Guide. You can simply use the web client for OFTC to come to #openstack-i18n channel.
IRC meeting commands¶
This is a useful commands for the IRC meeting.
#startmeeting openstack_i18n_meeting
#topic open discussions
#info useful information
#link http://contents