Liberty -  Liberty -  Liberty -  Liberty -  Liberty -  Liberty -  Liberty -  Liberty - 


Use the following options in the neutron.conf file for the quota system.

Table 10.80. Description of quotas configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
max_routes = 30 (IntOpt) Maximum number of routes
default_quota = -1 (IntOpt) Default number of resource allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
quota_driver = neutron.db.quota.driver.DbQuotaDriver (StrOpt) Default driver to use for quota checks
quota_firewall = 1 (IntOpt) Number of firewalls allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
quota_firewall_policy = 1 (IntOpt) Number of firewall policies allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
quota_firewall_rule = 100 (IntOpt) Number of firewall rules allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
quota_floatingip = 50 (IntOpt) Number of floating IPs allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
quota_health_monitor = -1 (IntOpt) Number of health monitors allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
quota_healthmonitor = -1 (IntOpt) Number of health monitors allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
quota_items = network, subnet, port (ListOpt) Resource name(s) that are supported in quota features. This option is now deprecated for removal.
quota_listener = -1 (IntOpt) Number of Loadbalancer Listeners allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
quota_loadbalancer = 10 (IntOpt) Number of LoadBalancers allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
quota_member = -1 (IntOpt) Number of pool members allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
quota_network = 10 (IntOpt) Number of networks allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
quota_network_gateway = 5 (IntOpt) Number of network gateways allowed per tenant, -1 for unlimited
quota_packet_filter = 100 (IntOpt) Number of packet_filters allowed per tenant, -1 for unlimited
quota_pool = 10 (IntOpt) Number of pools allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
quota_port = 50 (IntOpt) Number of ports allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
quota_rbac_entry = 10 (IntOpt) Default number of RBAC entries allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
quota_router = 10 (IntOpt) Number of routers allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
quota_security_group = 10 (IntOpt) Number of security groups allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
quota_security_group_rule = 100 (IntOpt) Number of security rules allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
quota_subnet = 10 (IntOpt) Number of subnets allowed per tenant, A negative value means unlimited.
quota_vip = 10 (IntOpt) Number of vips allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
track_quota_usage = True (BoolOpt) Keep in track in the database of current resourcequota usage. Plugins which do not leverage the neutron database should set this flag to False

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