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 SambaFS driver

There is a volume back-end for Samba filesystems. Set the following in your cinder.conf, and use the following options to configure it.


The SambaFS driver requires qemu-img version 1.7 or higher on Linux nodes, and qemu-img> version 1.6 or higher on Windows nodes.


Table 2.40. Description of Samba volume driver configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
smbfs_default_volume_format = qcow2 (StrOpt) Default format that will be used when creating volumes if no volume format is specified.
smbfs_mount_options = noperm,file_mode=0775,dir_mode=0775 (StrOpt) Mount options passed to the smbfs client. See mount.cifs man page for details.
smbfs_mount_point_base = $state_path/mnt (StrOpt) Base dir containing mount points for smbfs shares.
smbfs_oversub_ratio = 1.0 (FloatOpt) This will compare the allocated to available space on the volume destination. If the ratio exceeds this number, the destination will no longer be valid.
smbfs_shares_config = /etc/cinder/smbfs_shares (StrOpt) File with the list of available smbfs shares.
smbfs_sparsed_volumes = True (BoolOpt) Create volumes as sparsed files which take no space rather than regular files when using raw format, in which case volume creation takes lot of time.
smbfs_used_ratio = 0.95 (FloatOpt) Percent of ACTUAL usage of the underlying volume before no new volumes can be allocated to the volume destination.

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