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Using Elastic Recheck


This section assumes you have completed Checking Status in Zuul

Allows you to:

  • Enhance the automatic testing the community does on every patch submitted to Gerrit

  • Report recurring bugs so that you don’t need to manually ‘recheck’

What to do if a test job fails

When you submit a patch to Gerrit and Zuul returns the test results for the jobs it ran, sometimes one of those tests fails. Most of the time this indicates there is an issue with your proposed change and the tests are catching it. Sometimes the test run might have tripped over an underlying pre-existing bug in OpenStack. Additionally, some times the infrastructure for running the tests might have had a failure. To figure this out you’ll always need to look at the logs from the failed job to understand what’s happening.

A comment recheck on the patch would trigger the failed job to execute again. DO NOT just recheck the patch only to see if it fails again. CI test resources are very scarce. Read this document to know how to handle test failures


For deeper investigation of related log messages across multiple builds of jobs, a community-run OpenSearch cluster is available, with both a WebUI for producing real-time graphs as well as a REST API for more programmatic analysis.

Past and Future of Elastic Recheck

At one time, there existed a service to automatically analyze indexed job logs in order to match them against curated queries for known bug signatures and leave helpful review comments on changes when those same failures were identified in a new build. That service relied on an old suite of systems fronted by logstash.openstack.org, which ceased operation in April 2022. A recreation of that solution is in progress based on the community’s new OpenSearch backend but is not available for general use yet.